The renowned designer Leon Verres, who was responsible for the “Billionaire Champagne” in 2009, came back with a much anticipated follow-up: the “Billionaire Vodka“. This will be most expensive vodka in the world, with a bottle priced at a record-breaking $3.7 million and will be available only in select premium bars worldwide later this year.
The opulent, celebratory “Billionaire Vodka” comes in a 5 liter bottle with the clearest and smoothest Russian vodka with a distillation process that involves running crystal clear water and the finest wheat over millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds. The exterior of the bottle comes encrusted with 3,000 scintillating white diamonds and the vodka bottle will come enveloped in a white faux fur and capped with a chapka.
Leon Verres also plans to release more “modest”, 0.5 liter versions of the diamond-filtered that will come in precious, violet-tinted heavy glass bottles decorated with a Swarovski crystal embellished logo.
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