Here is something really, really cool: beauty and safety combined into a safe that you’re going to adore instantly: Döttling’s latest Colosimo safe named… PopArt. Bearing influences from Dr. Scrooge’s money bin, the PopArt Colosimo is factually a transponder to our childhood, when cartoons used to dominate our daily habits.
It was exclusively hand-painted by Year Zero, a handful of designers based in London. The PopArt Colosimo features a cash box style design, where the owner can push the bills through the slot on the top and at the same time view the constantly increasing amount of banknotes inside through a security glass placed in front of the cash.
The colors haven’t been limited to the exterior though – the safe’s interior has been fully painted as well. Sadly though, it is not for sale yet, and we hope the guys at Döttling are thinking of launching it on market sometime soon.
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